Umgede Live Cameras

Enjoy live viewing of activity at Antares Bush Camp & Umgede hide from the comfort of your armchair.

There are a number of cameras located at Umgede hide or in the gardens at Antares Bush Camp.

One of these cameras is focused on the Marula tree in front of Hornbill deck where you can watch the progress of these birds during their nesting season.

Two other cameras are focused on the waterhole in front of the hide. One camera offers you a similar view as to when you would be sitting inside the hide, while the other one offers you a bird’s eye view from above.

To view any of these cameras, click on the title of each one and enjoy a live feed from the camera. At this stage only one camera will be streaming live, but we hope to add to this in the future.

Hornbill nest camera

Live views from the Marula tree

During the year the nest cavity visible from Hornbill deck is inhabited by various bird or mammal species, occasionally even reptiles.

Most of the focus is on the yellow-billed hornbills who nest during the summer season. These birds start preparing their home in early summer and they seal up any gaps with mud and faeces to ensure a safe environment for the family. The female once she is ready to start nesting and having mated with her chosen partner will enter into the nest and they will then seal the hole shut, leaving just a narrow slit through which to pass food and for her to excrete any waste material through. Once inside she is totally reliant on the male to supply her with food. She will start incubating and caring for the chicks once they hatch for about the next 6-7 weeks. During this time she will have moulted out her flight feathers and tail feathers making it more comfortable in her confined space. By the time she is ready to leave these feathers will have grown back. Once she breaks out of the nest the chicks with some help from mum and dad will reseal the nest and they will stay for a further 4-6 weeks inside being fed by both parents.

At other times during the year the nest can be occupied by other bird species such as green woodhoopoes. Greater honeyguides have been seen entering the cavity to lay their egg in amongst the woodhoopoe eggs and relinquish all parental duties as part of their brood parasitic behaviour.

Monitor lizards, tree squirrels and even bushbabies have been seen in the past making the tree a great viewing opportunity all year round.

Bird's eye view

A view from above in the Leadwood tree

The view from this camera gives a bird’s eye view of wildlife coming to drink at the waterhole below.

Perfect reflections of the sky offer a different viewpoint and even elephants can look small from this angle

Water level viewing from the hide

This camera offers you a similar perspective as to when you would be sitting inside the hide. Located on the central pillar of the hide and looking forward it offers you a full width view of the far edge of the waterhole.

Elephants and hippo inside the water create an interesting photo and there are many opportunities to watch the young elephants having fun in the pool!

Watch for the elusive lion and leopard, day or night. Giraffe are usually too tall to catch in full height until they bend down to drink and then you can enjoy the moment many people dream of, a giraffe with legs bent and slurping up water.